Women's Day

International Women’s Day (IWD) is dedicated to celebrating women’s achievements in the social, economic, cultural, and political spheres. The day, collectively founded by women, also brings attention to gender parity and women's rights.

Originally called National Woman’s Day, the monumental annual celebration spread across the world (officially celebrated in 1911), but it was Russia who unknowingly set the March 8 trend. Although International Women’s Day became an official holiday in Russia in 1913, women still experienced difficulties caused by WWI. While men were off at war, women dealt with food shortages and a government who wouldn’t listen to them.

On March 8, 1917 (February 23 in the former Russian calendar), tens of thousands of Russian women took to the streets demanding change. The unified cry for help paved the way for Russian women to be granted voting rights soon after.

It is a great responsibility to empower women also it is necessary for gender equality. Moreover, society is better when women are given equal respect and are not taken for granted. In the past, women were restricted in homes and were not permissible to step out of the house for work.  Their household responsibilities are their only area of work. But with time society has seen many changes. Furthermore, this generation trust and values women with great responsibility.
Now, women are given equal opportunity at work and are allowed to stand among and at times ahead of men in many fields. Women today have begun realizing their strengths and abilities are ready to step out of their homes, contributing to the success of their home and the entire society. Women are indeed making the world turn heads towards them. Also, it was not possible before but now it is possible and they are doing it today. And you can see that women are reaching great heights and even traveling to space.
In addition, they are entering into every field and are making success in all of them proving what they are capable of. The participation of women is the most effective way to lift communities, companies, and countries. In addition, the participation of women’s make peace agreements stronger, societies more strong, and economies more dynamic.


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