
Showing posts with the label USA

Women's Day

International Women’s Day (IWD)  is dedicated to celebrating women’s achievements in the social, economic, cultural, and political spheres. The day, collectively founded by women, also brings attention to gender parity and women's rights. Originally called National Woman’s Day, the monumental annual celebration spread across the world (officially celebrated in 1911), but it was  Russia who unknowingly set the March 8 trend . Although International Women’s Day became an official holiday in Russia in 1913, women still experienced difficulties caused by WWI. While men were off at war, women dealt with food shortages and a government who wouldn’t listen to them. On March 8, 1917 (February 23 in the former Russian calendar), tens of thousands of Russian women took to the streets demanding change. The unified cry for help paved the way for Russian women to be granted voting rights soon after. It is a great responsibility to empower women also it is n...

Exam Stress

Exam Time…No TV, No Mobile, No outing, No playing….Study only!!! The basic and the most common line one will hear during exam time. No matter how young or old you are, people will always give you a hundred of advice and tips. Once a person starts hearing to all of these things, he might feel irritated and stressed out. All these are the main reason that causes stress for students, ·          Scared for the results already ·          Thought about the future and career ·          Peer and Parental Pressure ·          Less Sleep ·          Overthinking ·          Admissions ·          Not Prepared for the Exams ,etc. But is stress really worth? Exams are just a part of yo...

Taboo or Tradition??

Indian Culture is like a storybook, full of strange and wonderful stories. You may not believe what you read, you may not agree with what's written, but one thing is for certain; You just can't stop reading. Because, the more you read, the more fascinating it gets. Many a times, we Indians choose our hearts over our heads. Holding tight all that we believe in, we confidently tread beyond the realm of rational thinking. These celebrations and rituals will raise many questions, but then, not all questions have answers. There are a lot of bizarre cultures and traditions followed in all over the country. For one it may feel Taboo, but for the people who perform it, for them its culture. Bani Festival, Andhra Pradesh Celebrations are a way of human life. But some are so strange, it questions the very definition of the concept. The Bani Festival celebrated at the Devaragattu Temple in the Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh illustrates the point. Every Dus...

Life v/s Car


Singles on Valentine's Day
