Exam Stress

Exam Time…No TV, No Mobile, No outing, No playing….Study only!!!

The basic and the most common line one will hear during exam time. No matter how young or old you are, people will always give you a hundred of advice and tips. Once a person starts hearing to all of these things, he might feel irritated and stressed out.

All these are the main reason that causes stress for students,
·         Scared for the results already
·         Thought about the future and career
·         Peer and Parental Pressure
·         Less Sleep
·         Overthinking
·         Admissions
·         Not Prepared for the Exams ,etc.

But is stress really worth?
Exams are just a part of your life, there are a lot more things important and valuable than exams. Getting sick, Suicide attempts and other extreme measures that students take for exams is sometimes just not worth.
All you get from stress is regrets, loose friends, risk your health and sometimes people blank out in exams due to the excessive stress that they take.

How to Stress Less?
The best way to study is by stop stressing. Talk to someone whom you think is your well wisher, and let them know that you are stressed out due to exams. There is no harm in sharing your feelings with people who understand and care for you. If you don’t have friends, talk to your parents. Parents can be strict at times, but in the end they are they are the ones who care for you.

Talk to your parents, guardian or friend, make them understand the situation you are going through and take their advice. You might be sceptical about their advice and might not be ready to accept it, but atleast for once, Listen to your well wisher.

 If you still feel that talking to someone didn’t solve your problem, try meditation. Meditation is not a rocket sience, but it’s a very simple breathing exercise which will help you relax a bit. Whenever you feel irritated or you are stressed, close your eyes and think about the most beautiful memory you had and slowly breathe in and out by counting slowly till 7 each time. You will definitely feel relaxed. 

Listening to music, dancing or performing any other hobby is also a way to relax your mind.

If you read this article and start overthinking more and more, then just take a pause from everything you are doing at this time and find an empty place.
Go in that empty place and without even thinking once, just shout ‘I am strong’, ‘I can do it’ ‘I will do it’, ‘I will force the universe to work according to my conditions and fulfill each and every dream I have’.
Trust me you will feel much better and relaxed after doing all these things.

If you still feel your exams haunt you and you need to talk to someone but not your family, let me know in the comment section. Also, if this article has helped you to reduce exam stress please share your experience with me.


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